Update: July 22

THIS Tuesday (July 23rd), a key Senate Appropriations Subcommittee will determine funding levels for crucial global AIDS programs,  and the Global Fund. One Senate Democrat and one Senate Republican will play the leading role in deciding whether the the fight against global AIDS is fully funded at the levels we need in the coming year: at least $4.58 billion for PEPFAR and $1.65 billion for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. 


1. Start tweeting ASAP so that Senator Patrick Leahy and Senator Graham know the public has their back if they do the right thing. Tweet, tweet and retweet before tomorrow's 10am committee hearing, and continue on through Tuesday! Please also email out to your friends and loved ones, and share with your Facebook friends!

.@SenatorLeahy @GrahamBlog Pls vots 2 #endAIDS Tues: Lead the fight for $4.58b 4 @PEPFAR + $1.65b 4 GlobalFund! http://ow.ly/ndeXS

2. Bonus points if you make phone calls!

VT Senator Patrick Leahy: (202) 224-4242

SC Senator Lindsey Graham: (202) 224-5972

Call-In Script

First, ask to speak to the person in the office who works on "foreign operations appropriations and global healthissues". Record the name of the person you speak with, and jot down their answer. 

"My name is __________ and I am calling from (      town, state            ) and am a member of   ( organization, school chapter, church or service provider). As you've seen previously, science has shown us that increasing the number of people on HIV treatment will turn the corner and bring an end to the global AIDS epidemic, stop HIV infections and give a normal productive life to people already living with the virus. We need you to lead the effort to finish the bipartisan work started by President Bush and continued by President Obama by fully funding PEPFAR and the Global Fund during the upcoming Senate Foreign Operations Appropriation votes. Will you propose and/or vote for $4.58 Billion for PEPFAR and $1.65 Billion for the Global Fund in committee? Creating an AIDS-free generation is a big priority for the US around the world, and for all of us here in my home town."

After you call, email us to let us know! Email this and any questions or comments to Paul Davis at [email protected] 

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